Votes and Proceedings - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Y Senedd

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Meeting time: 13.30
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




This meeting was held in a hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber and others joining by video-conference.



1       Questions to the Minister for Social Justice

The item started at 13.30

Questions 1-2 and 4-8 were asked. Question 3 was withdrawn. Questions 2 and 8 was answered by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership. The Presiding Officer invited party spokespeople to ask questions to the Minister after question 2.



2       Questions to the Counsel General and the Minister for the Constitution

The item started at 14.20

Questions 1-3 and 5-8 were asked. Question 4 was not asked. The Presiding Officer invited party spokespeople to ask questions to the Minister after question 2.



3       Statement by the Deputy Minister for Climate Change: Update on the Metro

The item started at 15.06


In accordance with Standing Order 12.18, at 15.55 the meeting was suspended by the Deputy Presiding Officer.



4       Questions to the Senedd Commission

The item started at 16.25

The 4 questions were asked.



5       Topical Questions

The item started at 16.25

To the Deputy Minister for Climate Change:

Samuel Kurtz (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire): What impact will the Welsh Government’s roads review have on improvements already in progress on the A40 Llanddewi Velfrey to Redstone Cross bypass?


To the Minister for Health and Social Services:

Peredur Owen Griffiths (South Wales East): How is the Government addressing staff concerns and morale within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board following the publication of a critical Royal College of Physicians report?



6       90 Second Statements

The item started at 16.50

Mabon ap Gwynfor made a statement on Eryri – celebrating 70 years of the UK’s first National Park.



7       Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal - An employee ownership Bill

The item started at 16.52

Voting on the motion under this item was deferred until Voting Time.

NDM7722 Huw Irranca-Davies (Ogmore)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes a proposal for an employee ownership Bill on promoting worker buy-outs and employee ownership.

2. Notes that the purpose of this Bill would be to:

a)  legislate for a Welsh Marcora law to provide the legal framework, financial support and advice for worker buy-outs;

b)  put in place a statutory duty to double the size of the co-operative economy by 2026 and to actively promote employee-ownership and worker buy-outs;

c)  provide financial support and advice for workers to buy out all or part of a business facing closure or down-sizing and to establish a workers co-operative;

d) ensure that all companies in Wales in receipt of public funding or part of the social partnership and ethical procurement chains agree to the principles of worker buy-outs and employee ownership.


Joyce Watson

Luke Fletcher

Sarah Murphy

Vikki Howells

The result was as follows:









The motion was agreed.



8       Welsh Conservatives debate - Teacher recruitment

The item started at 17.26

Voting on the motion and amendments under this item was deferred until Voting Time.

A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:

NDM7811 Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Recognises the hard work and dedication of teachers and school staff across Wales throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Acknowledges that teachers in Wales continue to face unprecedented pressures as we move out of the pandemic and implement a new curriculum.

3. Believes that falling teacher numbers in Wales will adversely impact the ability of learners to overcome the adverse impact of the pandemic on their education.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to urgently bring forward a plan to boost teacher recruitment, which includes:

a) setting targets to deliver 5,000 teachers across Wales in the next five years;

b) refunding tuition fees for those who go on to work as teachers for at least five years in Welsh schools;

c) establishing a Welsh education advisory service to improve access to employment opportunities and establish more pathways into the teaching profession;

d) guaranteeing all newly qualified teachers with at least one year of employment in a Welsh school or college.









The motion without amendment was not agreed.

The following amendments were tabled:

Amendment 1 Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

Delete all after point 1 and replace with:

2. Expresses its gratitude to the entire education workforce for prioritizing the wellbeing of learners and its commitment to implementing the new curriculum despite the unprecedented pressures of the pandemic

3. Believes the wellbeing of the education workforce is of paramount importance.

4. Recognises that professional learning is essential for a high-quality and motivated workforce.

5. Condemns the Westminster Government’s public sector pay freeze and the impact it has on teachers at a time of unprecedented pressure on the workforce

6. Welcomes that:

a) there was a 40 per cent increase in applications for teaching courses last year. 

b) salaries for new teachers in Wales have increased 15.9 per cent since 2019 and that the Welsh Government helped deliver a 1.75 per centc) pay rise for all teachers this year despite the public sector pay freeze.

c) Welsh Government additional funding this financial year has helped match over 400 newly qualified teachers with schools.

d) Wales’s focus on teachers’ professional learning has been found to be “exceptional in comparison to many other OECD jurisdictions and provides a strong basis for the enhancement of professional learning in schools”.

e) Wales is leading the way with a statutory whole-school approach framework guidance, which is designed to support the wellbeing of staff as well as learners 

OECD Education Policy Perspectives - Teachers’ Professional Learning Study: Diagnostic Report for Wales

A vote was taken on amendment 1:









Amendment 1 was agreed.

As amendment 1 was agreed, amendment 2 was de-selected

A vote was taken on the motion as amended:

NDM7811 Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Recognises the hard work and dedication of teachers and school staff across Wales throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Expresses its gratitude to the entire education workforce for prioritizing the wellbeing of learners and its commitment to implementing the new curriculum despite the unprecedented pressures of the pandemic

3. Believes the wellbeing of the education workforce is of paramount importance.

4. Recognises that professional learning is essential for a high-quality and motivated workforce.

5. Condemns the Westminster Government’s public sector pay freeze and the impact it has on teachers at a time of unprecedented pressure on the workforce

6. Welcomes that:

a) there was a 40 per cent increase in applications for teaching courses last year. 

b) salaries for new teachers in Wales have increased 15.9 per cent since 2019 and that the Welsh Government helped deliver a 1.75 per centc) pay rise for all teachers this year despite the public sector pay freeze.

c) Welsh Government additional funding this financial year has helped match over 400 newly qualified teachers with schools.

d) Wales’s focus on teachers’ professional learning has been found to be “exceptional in comparison to many other OECD jurisdictions and provides a strong basis for the enhancement of professional learning in schools”.

e) Wales is leading the way with a statutory whole-school approach framework guidance, which is designed to support the wellbeing of staff as well as learners 

OECD Education Policy Perspectives - Teachers’ Professional Learning Study: Diagnostic Report for Wales









The motion as amended was agreed.



9       Voting Time

In accordance with Standing Order 12.18, at 18.04 proceedings were suspended to allow a technical break before voting time.

The item started at 18.11



Votes Summary



10    Short Debate

The item started at 18.15

NDM7810 Samuel Kurtz (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire)

Wales Young Farmers Clubs: developing conscientious young people in rural Wales



The meeting concluded at 18.37

The Senedd will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Tuesday, 2 November 2021